• Continuing the fight against Childhood Cancers
  • Never Give Up.

Our Cancer Journey

Madison's Story

My name is Madison Marie Muckle and was just like any other 3 year old when I celebrated my 3rd birthday on December 22, 2010. A few days later, on December 27, 2010, at my 3 year old checkup, everything changed. My doctor sent me to Golisano Children’s Hospital for some blood work and x-rays. That evening my parents and I were told that I had cancer. Our lives, at that point, was turned upside down.

After several tests and procedures, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. My body was 95% full of cancer and I spent the next month in the hospital receiving bone marrow aspirations, spinal taps, and chemotherapy. I was told after several weeks that I was in remission. Since then, I have spent many days in the hospital receiving chemotherapy and getting spinal taps to be sure the cancer has not spread. I also needed to take several types of medicines at home on a daily basis.

Winning the Fight

Life in Remission

In the spring of 2013, I received my last chemotherapy treatment. I am a healthy and normal 16-year-old girl. I will still continue to go to Golisano Children’s Hospital every year for routine checkups.

I now lead a normal life like most kids. I am now 16 years old entering 10th grade, and I love school. I participate in basketball, volleyball and track. I am also helping my Dad as much as I can with my tournament. I want to try and help others like others have helped me. It has been a struggle over the last few years but thanks to the wonderful doctors and nurses at Golisano Children’s Hospital, I will continue to move forward in becoming a healthy and 100% cancer free child.

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